Teen Grief: Caring for the Grieving Teenage Heart

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Book Excellence Award Winner

Teens are hurting. 

While trying to make sense of an increasingly confusing and troubled world, teens get hit, again and again, with moves, separations, divorces, rejections, substance abuse, domestic violence, sexual abuse, illness, disability, and death.

Edgy, fun-loving, tech-driven, and seemingly indestructible, their souls are shaking. Gnawing questions surface from deep inside: "How did this happen? Why me? Is this my fault? What am I supposed to do? Who's next? Am I going to make it?" 

Teen hearts are at stake. Each one is a priceless treasure. We can't afford to allow pain and loss to get the better of them. 

What can we do?

Award-winning author and grief counselor Gary Roe wrote Teen Grief at the request of parents, teachers, coaches, and school counselors. Born of personal experience and more than three decades of interacting with grieving teens, this informative, practical handbook is replete with guidance, insight, and ideas for helping teens navigate the turbulent waters of loss. Though Teen Grief primarily focuses on losses due to death, the principles discussed can be applied to any loss a teen might be experiencing.

Teens are the future. If we can help them discover how to turn losses into gains and transform hardship into something productive, positive, and good, the ripple effects could be extraordinary. As they heal and grow, they can become the difference-makers this world so desperately needs. 

Teens are hurting. They need us. They need you. It's time to help them heal. 

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What others are saying...

When it comes to grief, teens are often overlooked. Teen Grief does an excellent, thorough job of getting us in touch with the grieving teenage heart and what we can do to help. Sensitive, compassionate, and practical, this book will be invaluable to many parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches, counselors, and anyone working with youth.   – Paul Casale, Licensed Mental Health Counselor/Marriage & Family Therapist


Gary Roe has done it again. Clear, readable, and well-organized, Teen Grief tackles the tough topics head-on. Full of practical suggestions and exercises, this is an invaluable resource for parents, teachers, coaches, ministers, and anyone who has a teenager they love and want to help along the grief journey.  -Glen Lord, President/CEO, The Grief Toolbox; President, Board of Directors, The Compassionate Friends


Gary has gone straight to the heart and soul, with a style that speaks intimately to those who hurt. As someone who has worked with hurting teens for over 20 years, I can say with confidence that Gary has answered a need that society has been screaming and begging for. A must read.  -Scott Willmore, Senior Pastor, Connecting Point Church


Grief at any age is difficult; teenage grief is a special challenge.  Gary tackles a very difficult topic, presenting the complexity of the grieving process in a highly practical and authentic way through the eyes of teenagers. Practical, focused, invaluable, Teen Grief is a meaningful volume of hope and healing by a skilled and compassionate author.  -Dr. Craig Borchardt, President / CEO, Hospice Brazos Valley


Teens are confusing creatures, and we all struggle with knowing how to help them through difficult times. This book is a gift to those of us who love teens. It helps us find the words to help them.  - Kelli Levey Reynolds, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University


Gary Roe is a proven voice in understanding how to navigate the difficult waters of grief.  Teen Grief helps readers come to grips with the wide swath of grief that many teens struggle with.  If you have a teen, work with teens, or just love teens, then this is a book you need to read.  In very practical ways, Gary helps bring clarity and a pathway forward to the foggy reality that surrounds a teen in grief.  An excellent resource for parents, teachers, counselors, and ministers.  – Dr. Troy Allen, Pastor, First Baptist Church, College Station


Teen Grief is a must read/own if you are a helper of adolescents. Gary has a heart for kids with loss as he very honestly speaks of being "that kid" himself. I found personal value in reassessing the cumulative effects of early losses in my own life. Thanks Gary!"  -Carrie Andree, Licensed Professional Counselor


Only someone who's been through it himself could write something like this. Gary's work is an immediately applicable, brass tacks kind of road-map back to health through grieving. This book is hope for your teen's heart.  – Scott Marlow, Journey Church, Lebanon, Tennessee 


Heartfelt, wonderfully honest, compassionately written, and filled with stories of loss and hope, Teen Grief includes many practical insights to support both grieving teens and those who are striving to walk alongside them.Teen Grief will become a go-to resource for you personally, your ministry, or your practice. If you know anyone caring for a grieving teen, this book could be the best gift ever.  -Rev. Tommy Myrick, Licensed Professional Counselor/Supervisor; Associate Pastor, Clinical Director, Mending Hearts Grief Center


I'm in awe of how well Gary portrays the emotions experienced and the wisdom needed to handle a grieving teen. This book explains, in a beautiful way, that it’s not trying to alleviate teens’ pain that helps, but rather entering their world and experiencing their grief with them that makes the difference. Teen Grief is a gift to parents, teachers, coaches, pastors, and the teens they love and work with.  – Michelle Jeter, bereaved mother and author of A Legacy of a Lifetime


Teen Grief struck a chord deep in my heart as I recalled situations when I have been involved with grieving teens.  During this tough painful time, having adults in their lives who truly understand are desperately needed. Gary's writing, so heartfelt and coming from his vast experience, gives helpful advice and encouragement for adults who desire to support grieving teens.  – Kathy Trim, Missionary and Educator, TEAM Japan

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